Similar Words
ggossipingg, go?iping, goossiping, gosiping, gossiipiing, gossipimg, gossipin, gossipinng, gossipnig, gossipping, gossssiping, gozziping, ossiping

Gossiping — synonyms, definition

1. gossiping (a)

6 synonyms
abusive damning false malicious scandalous slanderous

2. gossiping (Noun)

7 synonyms
castigation condemnation criticism denunciation gossipmongering rebuke reproach
1 definition

gossiping (Noun) — A conversation that spreads personal information about other people.

1 type of
1 type

3. gossiping (Verb)

17 synonyms
chaffering chattering chatting chewing the fat chit-chatting chitchatting clavering confabbing confabulating dishing dishing the dirt gabbing gassing jawing nattering shooting the breeze visiting
2 definitions

gossiping (Verb) — Talk informally about someone else's private or personal business, esp. spreading negative or scandalous information even though it has not been confirmed to be true. ex. "She won't gossip"

gossiping (Verb) — Talk socially without exchanging too much information. ex. "the men were sitting in the cafe and gossiping"

4 types of
conversing discoursing speaking talking
8 types
bruiting jawboning rumoring rumouring schmoosing schmoozing shmoosing shmoozing