Similar Words
fforeshadowing, fooreshadoowing, foreeshadowing, foreshaadowing, foreshaddowing, foreshadowiing, foreshadowimg, foreshadowin, foreshadowingg, foreshadowinng, foreshadownig, foreshadowwing, foreshhadowing, foresshadowing, forezhadowing, forreshadowing, oreshadowing, phoreshadowing

Foreshadowing — synonyms, definition

1. foreshadowing (Noun)

14 synonyms
adumbration augury divination foreboding foreknowledge indication omen portent prediction prefiguration premonition presage presentiment sign
1 definition

foreshadowing (Noun) — The act of providing vague advance indications; representing beforehand.

3 types of
anticipation prediction prevision

2. foreshadowing (Adjective)

2 synonyms
adumbrative prefigurative
1 definition

foreshadowing (Adjective) — Indistinctly prophetic.

3. foreshadowing (Verb)

13 synonyms
auguring auspicating betokening boding forecasting foretelling foretokening omening portending predicting prefiguring presaging prognosticating
1 definition

foreshadowing (Verb) — Be a sign of something to come, esp. something important or bad. ex. "These signs foreshadow bad news"

5 types of
bespeaking betokening indicating pointing signaling
2 types
foreshowing threatening