Flim-flam — synonyms, definition

1. flim-flam (Noun)

12 synonyms
bunco bunco game bunko bunko game con con game confidence game confidence trick flimflammery gyp hustle sting
2 definitions

flim-flam (Noun) — A swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property.

flim-flam (Noun) — Deceptive, insincere or nonsense talk.

3 types of
cheat rig swindle
1 type
sting operation

2. flim-flam (Verb)

9 synonyms
fob fox hose play a joke on play a trick on play tricks pull a fast one on sucker trick
1 definition

flim-flam (Verb) — Deceive somebody. ex. "We flim-flammed the teacher into thinking that class would be cancelled next week"

4 types of
cozen deceive delude lead on
1 type