Fleabane — synonyms, definition

1. fleabane (Noun)

6 synonyms
Canadian fleabane Conyza canadensis Erigeron canadensis Pulicaria dysenterica feabane mullet horseweed
3 definitions

fleabane (Noun) — Hairy perennial Eurasian herb with yellow daisylike flowers reputed to destroy or drive away fleas.

fleabane (Noun) — Any of several North American plants of the genus Erigeron having daisylike flowers; formerly believed to repel fleas.

fleabane (Noun) — Common North American weed with linear leaves and small discoid heads of yellowish flowers; widely naturalized throughout temperate regions; sometimes placed in genus Erigeron.

5 types of
herb herbaceous plant weed wild flower wildflower
18 types
Erigeron acer Erigeron annuus Erigeron aurantiacus Erigeron divergens Erigeron glaucous Erigeron philadelphicus Erigeron pulchellus Erigeron speciosus Philadelphia fleabane beach aster blue fleabane daisy fleabane orange daisy orange fleabane robin's plantain seaside daisy showy daisy spreading fleabane
6 parts of
Conyza Erigeron Pulicaria genus Conyza genus Erigeron genus Pulicaria