Eyes — synonyms, definition

1. eyes (Noun)

6 synonyms
centers centres hearts middles oculi optics
7 definitions

eyes (Noun) — Opinion or judgment. ex. "in the eyes of the law" ex. "I was wrong in her eyes"

eyes (Noun) — The organ of sight.

eyes (Noun) — Good discernment (either visually or as if visually). ex. "she has an eye for fresh talent" ex. "he has an artist's eye"

eyes (Noun) — Attention to what is seen. ex. "he tried to catch her eye"

eyes (Noun) — An area that is approximately central within some larger region. ex. "they were in the eye of the storm"

eyes (Noun) — A small hole or loop (as in a needle). ex. "the thread wouldn't go through the eye"

eyes (Noun) — A reproductive bud in a potato.

18 types of
areas attendings attentions countries discernments holes judgements judgments opinion persuasion receptors sagaciousnesses sagacities sense organ* sensory receptor* sentiment thought view
28 types
City of London* ODs OSs center stage* central city* centre stage* city center* city centre* compound eye* financial center* financial centre* hubs inner city* medical center* medical centre* midfields midstreams naked eye* ocelli oculus dexter* • • •
38 parts
aperture arteria centralis retinae arteria ciliaris arteria lacrimalis canthus central artery of the retina choroid choroid coat ciliary artery ciliary body conjunctiva cornea crystalline lens epicanthic fold epicanthus eye muscle eyeball eyelid iris lacrimal apparatus • • •
4 parts of
faces human face* needles visual system*

2. eyes (Verb)

1 synonym
1 definition

eyes (Verb) — Look at.

1 type of