eerosion, eroosioon, erosiion, erosio, erosiom, erosionn, erosoin, erossion, erozion, errosion, rosion

Erosion — synonyms, definition

1. erosion (Noun)

12 synonyms
corroding corrosion degradation deterioration dilapidation eating away eroding gnawing rubbing off wear wearing wearing away
5 definitions

erosion (Noun) — (geology) the mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down (as by particles washing over it).

erosion (Noun) — Condition in which the earth's surface is worn away by the action of water and wind.

erosion (Noun) — A gradual decline of something. ex. "after the accounting scandal there was an erosion of confidence in the auditors"

erosion (Noun) — Wearing away by chemical action.

erosion (Noun) — (medicine) a shallow ulceration or lesion, usually involving skin or epithelial tissue.

8 types of
chemical action chemical change chemical process decline diminution environmental condition geologic process geological process
15 types
Deflation ablation abrasion attrition beach erosion chatter mark corrasion detrition indentation pitting planation roughness rust rusting soil erosion