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Donkey — synonyms, definition

1. donkey (Noun)

17 synonyms
Equus asinus boofhead charlie domestic ass drongo fool galah juggins jughead mampara meathead moegoe muggins nit sap saphead tomfool
3 definitions

donkey (Noun) — Domestic beast of burden descended from the African wild ass; patient but stubborn.

donkey (Noun) — The symbol of the Democratic Party; introduced in cartoons by Thomas Nast in 1874.

donkey (Noun) — A person who lacks good judgment.

5 types of
allegory ass emblem simple simpleton
24 types
Putz ass bozo buffoon burro clown cuckoo fathead flibbertigibbet foolish woman fucker goof goofball goose jackass meshuggeneh meshuggener moke morosoph twat • • •
2 parts of
Equus genus Equus