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Camper — synonyms, definition

1. camper (Adjective)

8 synonyms
campier more cissy more effeminate more emasculate more epicene more sissified more sissyish sissier
2 definitions

camper (Adjective) — Providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered, banal or sentimental qualities. ex. "they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect"

camper (Adjective) — Having unsuitable feminine qualities. ex. "a camp man"

2. camper (Noun)

3 synonyms
camper van camping bus motor home
2 definitions

camper (Noun) — Someone living temporarily in a tent or lodge for recreation.

camper (Noun) — A recreational vehicle equipped for camping out while travelling.

7 types of
R.V. RV grockle holidaymaker recreational vehicle vacationer vacationist
2 types
caravan van