Call-in — synonyms, definition

1. call-in (Noun)

1 definition

call-in (Noun) — A telephone call to a radio station or a television station in which the caller participates in the on-going program.

3 types of
call phone call telephone call

2. call-in (Verb)

5 synonyms
call call back recall visit withdraw
7 definitions

call-in (Verb) — Summon to enter. ex. "The nurse called in the next patient"

call-in (Verb) — Summon to a particular activity or employment. ex. "Experts were called in"

call-in (Verb) — Pay a brief visit. ex. "The mayor likes to call in on some of the prominent citizens"

call-in (Verb) — Take a player out of a game in order to exchange for another player.

call-in (Verb) — Make a phone call. ex. "call in to a radio station" ex. "call in sick"

call-in (Verb) — Demand payment of (a loan). ex. "call in a loan"

call-in (Verb) — Cause to be returned. ex. "call in the defective auto tires"

16 types of
ask in call call up demand exact get together invite meet move out phone remove ring send for take take out telephone
5 types
come by decommission drop by drop in see
2 topics
telephone telephony