Blackcap — synonyms, definition

1. blackcap (Noun)

11 synonyms
Larus ridibundus Parus atricapillus Rubus occidentalis Silvia atricapilla black raspberry black-capped chickadee blackcap raspberry laughing gull pewit pewit gull thimbleberry
4 definitions

blackcap (Noun) — Raspberry native to eastern North America having black thimble-shaped fruit.

blackcap (Noun) — Small black-headed European gull.

blackcap (Noun) — Chickadee having a dark crown.

blackcap (Noun) — Small brownish-grey warbler with a black crown.

8 types of
Old World warbler chickadee gull raspberry raspberry bush sea gull seagull true warbler
1 part
4 parts of
Larus Silvia genus Larus genus Silvia