Tajik — synonyms, definition

1. Tajik (Noun)

6 synonyms
Republic of Tajikistan Tadjik Tadzhik Tadzhikistan Tajiki Tajikistan
4 definitions

Tajik (Noun) — The Iranian language of the Tajik that is closely related to Farsi; spoken in Iran and Tajikistan.

Tajik (Noun) — A native or inhabitant of Tajikistan and neighbouring areas of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan and China.

Tajik (Noun) — An ethnic group (mostly Moslem) living in Tajikistan and neighbouring areas of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan and China.

Tajik (Noun) — A landlocked mountainous republic in southeast central Asia to the north of Afghanistan; formerly an Asian soviet.

8 types of
Asian Asian country Asian nation Asiatic Iranian Iranian language ethnic group ethnos
11 parts
Communism Peak Dusanbe Dushanbe Dyushambe Mount Communism Mount Garmo Pamir Mountains Stalin Peak Stalinabad capital of Tajikistan the Pamirs
3 parts of
Asia CIS Commonwealth of Independent States