PMS — synonyms, definition

1. PMS (Noun)

11 synonyms
PMT Prime Minister* autopsies necropsies phase modulation* post-mortem examination* post-mortems postmortem examination* postmortems premenstrual syndrome premiers
4 definitions

PMS (Noun) — A syndrome that occurs in many women from 2 to 14 days before the onset of menstruation.

PMS (Noun) — Modulation of the phase of the carrier wave.

PMS (Noun) — An examination and dissection of a dead body to determine cause of death or the changes produced by disease.

PMS (Noun) — The person who holds the position of head of the government in the United Kingdom.

6 types of
chiefs of state examinations heads of state modulations scrutinies syndrome
71 type
1st Earl Attlee* 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley* 1st Earl of Balfour* Alec Douglas-Home* Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home* Andrew Bonar Law* Anthony Charles Lynton Blair* Anthony Eden* Arthur James Balfour* Arthur Neville Chamberlain* Asquith* Attlee* Baldwin* Balfour* Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven* Benjamin Disraeli* Blair* Bonar Law* Brown* Callaghan* • • •
1 part of
British Cabinet*