PBS — synonyms, definition

1. PBS (Noun)

5 synonyms
Pbit* atomic number 82* lead[2]s petabits phosphate buffer solution
3 definitions

PBS (Noun) — A solution containing a phosphate buffer.

PBS (Noun) — A unit of information equal to 1000 terabits or 10^15 bits.

PBS (Noun) — A soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull grey.

4 types of
buffer solution computer memory unit* metallic element* metals
3 types
antimonial lead* hard lead* pig lead*
3 parts
Tb Tbit terabit
6 parts of
Eb* Ebit* cerussites exabits galenas white lead ore*

2. PBS (Abbreviation)

1 definition

PBS (Abbreviation) — Public Broadcasting Service (US broadcaster).