Livingstone — synonyms, definition

1. Livingstone (Noun)

8 synonyms
David Livingstone Dorotheanthus bellidiformis flowering stone lithops stone life face stone plant stone-face stoneface
3 definitions

Livingstone (Noun) — Low-growing showy succulent annual of South Africa having white, pink, red or orange flowers and spatulate leaves covered in papillae that resemble small crystals.

Livingstone (Noun) — Any plant of the genus Lithops native to Africa having solitary yellow or white flowers and thick leaves that resemble stones.

Livingstone (Noun) — Scottish missionary and explorer who discovered the Zambezi River and Victoria Falls (1813-1873).

4 types of
adventurer explorer missionary succulent
3 parts of
Dorotheanthus genus Dorotheanthus genus Lithops